Kilka dni w kraju kwitnacej wisni Few days in Japan
 | Zewnętrzne mury pałacu cesarskiego These are the outer walls of the imperial palace in Kyoto. |
 | Kyoto, dzień pierwszy,siedzimy na ławce czekając na otwarcie pałacu cesarskiego. Here are the travelers's in Kyoto. Heather, Mirek & Ada (Grzegorz is taking the picture). |
 | Trzy przecinki na dachowkach - znak rodu Tokugawa All of the palaces & many of the temples had these clay roofs. They look like metal, but are clay tiles. |
 | Pałac cesarski, jedna z bram A gate into the palace. Each gate (mon) has importance, and only certain people can go through each. |
 | Jestesmy juz w srodku palacu. Tak wyglada brama wschodnio-poludniowa (pewnie juz doszliscie do wniosku, ze mi sie podobaja japonskie bramy) Here is the a view of a gate from the inside of the palace. |
 | A na tych dachowkach widac cesarskie chryzantemy The tiles at the edge of the roof are imprinted with a design signifying the family, similar to a crest. This palace had a chrysanthemum on the tiles. |
 | Przy klimacie Kyoto, niewiele rzeczy zachowuje sie na dluzszy czas A screen used to divide the open floor-plan rooms. This one had painting on it. |
 | Jak zwykla pada. Nie padalo tylko w pierwszy dzien naszego pobytu i ostatni And the gardens... Japan is filled with beautiful gardens. This is a typical strolling garden, where every step as you walk around unveils additional beauty. |
 | Widok na palac Honmaru w srodku zamku Nijo-jo. Niestety nie bylo wstepu do srodka Here is Honmaru palace, located within the Nijo-jo Castle complex. |
 | A to widok z donjonu. Wyspindralismy sie tam mimo desczu Here is the donjon, a tower in the corner of the castle walls where guards could watch for danger. |
 | Z tego samego donjonu na wewnetrzna fose. Co jest dziwne, Japonczycy nie uzywali zwodzonych mostow A backwards view from the donjon, with the moat of the castle visible. |
 | Ogrod polnocny w Nijo-jo This is a beautiful garden. Too bad I don't remember if this really is at Nijo-jo (Ninomaru Palace gardens) OR the Katsura Villa gardens! |
 | Rowniez ogrod polnocy, szkoda, ze pada - mozecie tu zobaczyc dosc pospolity widok w tamtych okolicach - kamienna latarnia Again, this could/should be the gardens at Ninomaru Palace. The Ninomaru Palace is also located within the walls of Nijo-jo Castle. |
 | A to juz ogrod w palacu cesarskim Sento, Mirek z parasolem przedziera sie przez gaszcz Mirek walking up the garden path at the Sento Palace. |
 | Zdjecie zrobione na prosbe Wrzosa - krzew bardzo ladnie pachnial, maja razem z Ada sprawdzic w ksiazkach co to takiego This was a great smelling bush at Sento that I wanted a close-up picture of. You can see how close Greg got for me! |
 | Kto, ja kazalam zrobic zdjecie? At least we were comfortable in the rain with our borrowed umbrellas. |
 | Most z wisteria A covered bridge. The bridge is covered in wisteria. |
 | A tu anatomia latarni z bliska I loved the beautiful lanterns found in the traditional gardens. |
 | Ta oto wysepka zostala obfotografowana przez towarzyszacyc nam Japonczykow chyba dwadziescia razy Still at Sento Palace, this is one of the many islands in the garden. |
 | Tu chyba pierwszy dowod, ze rzeczywiscie tez tam dojechalem (zdjecie robi Mirek) Heather & Grzegorz in front of the wisteria bridge. |
 | A to nie pamietam skad sie wzialo i dlaczego tam stalo An interesting temple near our Ryokan (Japanese version of an Inn). |
 | Caly czas cesarski palac Sento More beautiful gardens. |
 | A jak sie z duzyc sosen robi bonsai? Prosto - co chwile im trzba przycinac swieze galazki Look carefully & you will see why even the 400-year old pine trees look so small & interestingly shaped. |
 | Ojciec Wrzosa jest strazakiem i jezdzi wielkim wozem strazackim. Zrobilismy wiec zdjecie japonskiemu, bo jest duza roznica w skali :-) Especially for my dad - a genuine Japanese fire truck. They were finishing an inspection before we entered one of the palaces. |
 | A to jedno z przejsc w cesarskiej willi Shuganquin One of the entrances to the Shugaku-in Imperial Villa. |
 | Trzy czwarte skladu wyprawy szczerzy zeby w willi Shuganquin Mirek, Ada & myself on a garden path inside Shugaku-in. |
 | A tu slonce razi pozostala jedna czwarta Greg posing near a gate for the Villa. |
 | Polki jak "snujaca sie mgla" The most famous shelve in all of Japan. They are called the "Trails of Mist" and are mounted along the back of a tea room within the villa. |
 | Na czubku Shuganquin cysorz mial sobie herbaciarnie i taki oto widok The gardens at Shugaku-in make use of "borrowed" scenery, as shown in this example with the mountains in the background. |
 | Wrzos na cesarskim miejscu (tyle, ze nie dostala herbaty) Me sitting on the edge of the tea house that overlooks the gardens. |
 | Ksiezycowy most Cool bridge! |
 | Zlocenia bramy Kara-mon w zamku Nijo-jo Details of a gate at Nijo-jo. |
 | Palac Ninomaru w srodku zamku Nijo-jo. Siedziba szoguna, kiedy przyjezdzal odwiedzac cesarza Entrance to the Nijo-jo Castle complex with Ninomaru Palace in view. The palace is outfitted with Nightingale floors which sing when you walk on them. |
 | Piecio warstwowa padoga w Nara. Nara byla stolica Japonii przed Kyoto (chyba do AD720) We took a side trip to Nara. Here is a 5-story pagoda within the Deer Park. |
 | Wnetrze kapliczki buddyjskiej A Buddhist shrine/altar at a temple. |
 | Trzy czwarte (z nieodlacznymi parasolami) stara sie usmiechac przed najwiekszym drewnianym budynkiem na siwecie w Nara, w ktorym jest olbrzymi drewniany posag Buddy The wet traveler's in front of the Todai-ji Temple. It is the largest wooden building in the world and houses the Great Buddha, one of the largest bronze statues in the world. |
 | Ten wlasnie najwiekszy budynek, juz widziany z dziedzinca swiatynnego A better view of Todai-ji Temple. |
 | Obrot o 180 stopni - to wlasnie dziedziniec Looking backwards at the gate to Todai-ji from the steps of the temple. The actual temple building is called Daibutsu-den Hall. |
 | Zmarzlismy i zglodnielismy, wiec trafilismy od ekskluzywnego miejsca na lunch. A deszcz? A deszcz padal i padal... After tramping around Nara in the rain all day, we deserved a bit of a rest. We had a traditional Japanese lunch at this tea house overlooking the gardens of Isui-en. |
 | A to pomnik opiekuna - jelenia. Wszystkie prawie swiatynie w Nara sa na terenie jeleniego/sarniego parku i ponad 3000 zywych rozbestwionych paskudztw wloczy Ci sie pod nosem Since most of Nara is in fact a Deer Park, the deer fountain was fitting. |
 | Droga latarn. Jest ich tu duzo tysiecy. Zapalaja jes wszystkie w czasie latarnianego festiwalu This is the pathway to the Kasuga Taisha Shrine. This Shinto shrine has over 3000 lanterns leading to it. Every fall they have a lantern festival where they light all the lanterns. It must be a beautiful sight! |
 | Swiatynia na koncu latarnianej drogi Close-up of the shrine. |
 | Wrzos, co prawda nie pod latarnia, ale pomiedzy wieloma Me on the lantern path. |
 | Inny rodzaj lampionow - latarnie z papieru japonskiego - takie sie wiesza w domach i swiatyniach Different lanterns. I like the stone ones better. |
 | Kapliczka szintoistyczna - widoczne Tori - charakterystyczna japonska "brama" A Torii which indicates that this is a Shinto shrine. |
 | Tori moze stac nawet i kilka kilometrow od swiatyni/kapliczki Another Torii. |
 | Zamek w Himeji Another day trip was to Himeji, where we saw the Himeji-jo Castle. |
 | Na zamku byla wystawa bonsai There was a bonsai exhibition at the castle & here are some of my favorites. |
 | Jak widac nam sie podobaly And another... |
 | Na szczescie zrobilismy tylko trzy zdjecia And the last. |
 | I jeszcze raz moja ulubiona budowla - zamek w Himeji A view of the 6-story castle from below the ground floor. |
 | Nie wiadomo, kto ma grozniejsza mine :-) A cool dragon fountain outside a Buddhist temple near our Ryokan in Kyoto. |
 | Brama swiatyni Higashi Hogan-ji This is the temple, Higashi Hogan-ji. We visited this temple, and it was very active with classes & students. |
 | A to wejscie do Nishi Hogan-ji (czyli, jesli dobrze pamietam zachodniej swiatyni Hogan) Another view of the temple from the street. |
 | A to Grzes w japonskiej szacie domowej (yukata) Grzegorz posing for a picture in his yukata (Japanese robe) inside our ryokan. We would sit on the pillows to use the table, and sleep on pillows on the tatami floor. |
 | Czys domek, tak po prostu A building/garden within a large temple complex. |
 | Gargulce sa najrozniejsze, czasami maja postac straznikow, czasami roznych potworow Click to look at the bigger picture - there are cool gargoyles on this roof. |
 | Cmentarz buddyjski (przy kompleksie swiatynnym Myoshin-ji) A typical cemetery. |
 | Ogrodek Zen A Zen garden. Notice the raked gravel. |
 | I dalsza jego czesc, grabione kamyki maja przypominac morskie fale chyba And another Zen garden. This is considered the dry, landscaped garden style. |
 | Ogrody sa rzeczywiscie piekne, jedyna wada sa komary A most beautiful garden at the Taizo-in Temple in Kyoto. |
 | Jeszcze jeden smoczek w swiatyni Another cool dragon fountain. |
 | Malutkie koi, czyli karpie Most of the water features in the gardens also had Koi swimming there. |
 | Bardzo mi sie podobaja japonskie mury pokryte dachowkami, ten jest z kompleksu swiatynnego Myoshin-ji A wall of the Myoshin-ji Temple complex. This complex was so large, we got a little lost in it. |
 | Male domki na przedmiesciach While we were lost, we walked in front of what could be considered a "typical" Japanese house. Here is a picture of that. |
 | Kinkaku-ji, czyli slawna Zlota Swiatynia (niestety, ta jest z 1955 roku, gdyz oryginalna z 1397 spalil mlody mnich w roku 1950) The Golden Pavilion at Rokuon-ji Temple. This temple must have been on every tour bus route, because it was absolutely packed! |
 | Wloczymy sie po ogrodach Ryoan-ji, (z tylu nawet wszechobecna tori) Heather on another bridge. |
 | Najslynniejszy ogrodek skalny Zen w Kyoto (swiatynia Ryoan-ji) The most famous Zen gardens in all the world are at the Ryoan-ji Temple. They say the longer you stare at the scene, the more it will change for you. |
 | Zolwie wygrzewaja sie na sloncu, staw swiatynny Ryoan-ji Ryoan-ji also had a wonderful pond with waterlilies & turtles. |
 | A to nie wiem, co ma byc, chyba kapliczka Buddhist temple on a side street somewhere in Kyoto. |
 | Zabudowania swiatyni Heian The Heian-jingu Shinto Shrine. This complex was HUGE! |
 | A tu pare zdjec, z cyklu "my w ogrodach swiatyni Heian" A most beautiful garden within the Heian Shrine. There were cherry trees everywhere, so I'm sure the spring is spectacular. |
 | No wlasnie, ogrody sa naprawde warte odwiedzenia Greg on a stepping stone - again in the gardens at the Heian Shrine. |
 | Caly czas w swiatyni Heian, nawet kupilsmy sliczna ksiazke ze zdjeciami A building at the Heian Shrine. |
 | Mimo paskudnej pogody, nie zalujemy Gardens, still within the Heian Shrine. |
 | Woda zdatna do picia i rytualnego obmycia Another dragon, along with Greg purifying himself. |
 | Ta Tori jest wielka, no i jest jakis kilometr od wejscia This massive torii gate is made of steel and marks the entrance to the Heian Shrine. |
 | Okazalo sie, ze maj jest miesiacem, gdy maiko wystepuja pierwszy raz przed publicznoscia, przed zostaniem gejsza Every spring in the Gion district, there are performances by the Geiko (Geisha) and Meiko (apprentice Geisha). We were lucky enough to get seats to a show. |
 | Maiko, to taka gejsza-czeladnik No flashes were permitted, but some of the beauty of the costumes & make-up still show up here. |
 | Zdjecia nie sa niestety najlepsze, bo nie mozna bylo uzywac lampy More geisha... |