Heather and Greg checking out Fiji. Grzes i Wrzos na Fiji.
 | Welcome to Fiji! No taak, Fiji wita nas troche zamglonym widokiem. |
 | Fiji is made up of 330 different islands. This is South Sea Island. Tropical paradise... |
 | And Bounty Island where we stayed one night. |
 | And finally Kuata Island where we stayed our first two nights in Fiji. |
 | Greg thought these were "faces" in the rock. |
 | When we could finally see the Island "resort", there was a welcoming committee there to greet us with native welcoming songs. A small powerboat came from the island out to the ferry to pick us up and bring us to shore. |
 | Beautiful clouds as the sun began to come up. |
 | Our first sunrise on the island. |
 | While on Kuata, we stayed in a traditional Bure - this thatched roofed hut. Our hut had a private bathroom attached, complete with its own toilet and shower (cold water only of course!). |
 | The inside of our bure, with the mosquito net we never ended up using. |
 | What better way to spend the day than here in this hammock? But who is that clean-shaven man?!? |
 | Most of the beach in front of the "resort" had lovely sand beaches, but since this is a coral island, other parts of the island had a rough shoreline. |
 | The resort on Kuata island is run by the native islanders who live on the next island over (a short kayak ride away). Here they are providing us with a Kava ceremony. Kava is a native plant whose roots are dried, and then steeped like a tea. Kava is a non-addictive narcotic that has relaxing properties. We've been told that after a few bowls of it, you lose sensation starting with your mouth and working downwards (depending on how much you drink). |
 | A view from the beach on Kuata to the next island over - Wayasewa. The natives live on Wayasewa and also run another resort there. |
 | Our most energetic activity while on Kuata was to climb to the top of their highest mountain. From there, the view to the other islands is pretty, but a bit hazy the day we were there. |
 | More of the view... |
 | Two happy honeymooners! |
 | Besides the goats the islanders raise, this was the largest animal life we saw on Kuata. |
 | A view of the point we had climbed once we had reached the bottom again. |
 | Our last full day in Fiji, we took a fast cat to another island, Mana to catch our tour on the Sea Spray. Sea Spray is an 83 foot schooner that took us on a day trip around Fiji. As part of the trip we were taken to Monuriki island, where the Tom Cruise movie Castaway was filmed. There we snorkled and hung out on the beach. |
 | Part of our trip included a trip to Matamanoa where we were able to experience the infamous Kava ceremony again. Greg seems to have gotten the hang of it! |
 | As usual, Greg managed to skipper the boat for a while. While the crew did keep the engines running, the winds picked up enough that we were able to bury the gunwales of this 83 foot schooner into the water. Very exciting! |