| Zdjecia/Pictures | |
Mala wycieczka do Wodospadow Amicalola, tu zaraz zaczyna
Szlak Appalachow.
| Small trip to Amicalola Falls. Appalachian Trail starts nearby.
Zeby biedni Amerykanie nie zabladzili to jest cos takiego.
| Beginning is easy.
Gora Springer. Razem ze mna jeden z opiekunow szlaku.
| Springer Mountain. Dave is one of Trail caretakers.
Pogoda niezbyt dopisuje - mgla i silny wiatr, ale nie ma to jak gory.
| The weather isn't very pleasant - it's windy and hazy. But that's
the point.
Przygotowania do Halloween ida pelna para.
| Beware of Halloween - here is country Fair near Amicalola Falls.
Kudzu - japonskie paskudztwo przywleczone jakies 100 lat temu.
Rosnie nawet do pol metra dziennie.
| Kudzu - japanese plan, brought here about 100 years ago.
Can grow even two feet a day.
| Zdjecia/Pictures | |
No i troche zdjec z Octoberfest na latajaco.
MGSA wybralo sie polatac w gorach.
| Octoberfeast in the mountains. MGSA is having
such events every year in Chilhowee, TN.
Trzeba bylo pojechac do Ameryki, zeby wsiasc do Promyka (SZD-55)
| A lot of Polish accents (means sailplanes) in Chilhowee.
Here is nice SZD-55 Promyk.
Pogoda byla taka sobie, ale udalo sie troche polatac.
No bo co? No bo gory, to gory.
| The weather is so-so, but enough to make two nice flights.
W w niedziele przywlekli sie piloci na samolotach akrobacyjnych.
Mielismy niezly pokaz.
| And on Sunday arrived aerobatic plane pilots with their beautiful
ships. We had a nice show of their performance.