Kwiecien, plecien oraz maj '98 / April & May '98

Kwiecien zaczal sie zupelnie niepozornie. Zakwitly tulipany przed naszym mieszkaniem. Here are some more pictures of the lovely landscaping at Post Creek. I wanted these pictures so that my mother would see and become jealous of our flower beds! :-)
Wrzos (Heather) oraz pies dywanowy (Tasha), rwoniez lubia ogladac zielsko Tasha of course wouldn't sit still to have her picture taken with the flowers.
A teraz podroz w czasie i przestrzeni: Georgia Renessaince Festival. Grzes z zaciekawieniem oglada bron sieczna. Well, we finally decided to visit the Georgia Renaissance Festival - and of course it decided to rain all day! We went anyway and to keep Greg amused, I let him play with the toy knives and swords! He doesn't look very sinister though, does he?
Ktozby inny, jak nie krol Artur we wlasnej osobie. Here you can see some of the buildings in the background and in the front, a noble knight on horseback. This was part of the procession to the jousting match (which would probably be better if they weren't knee deep in mud!)
A ten ciekawy czlowiek renesansu rzeczywiscie zabawial nas przez calkiem niezla chwile. As part of the festival, there were entertainers and storytellers. Here you can see one particularly funny juggler. He kept trying to impress the audience and this was his best trick. It really wasn't that impressive!

Nastepny ruch kamery, przenosimy sie do Waycross, NC, gdzie Grzes po raz pierwszy przygladal sie na zywo bitwie modeli okretow. Wczesniej zerknal sobie na WWW, odwiedzil stocznie w Roswell, gdzie zerknal na DKM Admiral Scheer oraz USS Augusta. Tak sie zaczela historia z Ajaxem, ale nie uprzedzajmy faktow. Greg has decided to join a club where you engage in real battle with home built battleships. You construct the ship from balsa wood, equip it with a radio controlled motor and CO2 powered guns that shoot BB's. Then the club members get together on a shallow lake to shoot each other to bits, only to go home and re-build their ships again. Gee, sounds like a ton of fun doesn't it!
Tak wyglada poczatek bitwy. The battle will begin soon...
Przewaga panstw osi jest miazdzaca, Stan Watkins kapitanujacy USS Washington, musi walczyc przeciwko calej hordzie wielkich okretow, uwziela sie na niego Cesarska Marynarka Japonska: IJN Nagato oraz IJN Musashi. You can't really tell from these pictures, but the BB's were certainly flying!
Wrzos, troche zmeczony ogladaniem. I think I was being asked if I was ready to go yet. Yes that is an incredulous look on my face!
A to chyba jedyny na swiecie mlyn wodny, do ktorego woda jest doprowadzana poprzez pompe elektryczna. The college that the club was visiting, had a lovely (fake) mill built next to the lake. It was a vocational college and the students had built the engines that powered the wheel, as well as the building.
Stan wypompowuje juz calkiem sporo wody. I'm not sure if you can see the water shooting out of the ship without enlarging the picture, but these ships even have bilge pumps to help keep them from sinking!

Poniewaz czas naglil, trzeba bylo wyruszac dalej. Zwiedzamy posiadlosc Biltmore. As a reward for being so patient at the "battle", we then went on to Biltmore estates in Asheville, NC. This is me standing in front of the large front lawn leading to the mansion.
Mala przerwa w zwiedzaniu. This is a view of the "backyard" from the edge of one of the formal gardens. Some yard, it is part of a National Forest!
Posiadlosc Biltmore z przymruzeniem oka i wystawionym jezykiem :-) This is one of the formal gardens to the side of the house. As you can tell, I am getting tired of having my picture taken! You should see the pictures we didn't post! :-)

A to juz nasz ganek. W chwili slabosci zgodzilem sie wywiercic dziury w suficie, zeby zawiesic kosze z kwiatami. I had just planted some hanging baskets - but unfortunately you have me in the picture with them.
Wlasnie tak, begonie na zewnatrz, a paprotka w srodku. I had Greg re-arrange the hooks and we now have three baskets. I am trying my luck with a Boston Fern. If the name has any bearing, I should do ok with it. Oh, BTW, I have no idea what I was doing in this picture!

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