| Zdjecia/Pictures | |
Wizyta w tubylczej Krynicy, czyli Hot Sprigns,AR zaczela sie od dlugiej jazdy samochodem
(GA->AL->MI->TN->AR), co zalelo nam prawie cala sobote. Caly wieczor szukalismy wolnego miejsca na rozbicie namiotu.
Wieczorem male ognisko, kielbasa, piwo i gitara (ale tylko przez chwile, bo zmeczenie bralo gore).
Za to poranek przywital nas pieknym sloneczkiem.
| Over Labor Day weekend, Greg and I decided to take a whirlwind camping trip. We left
Saturday morning from home, drove through Alabama, Mississippi, a little bit of Tennessee and
ended up in Hot Springs, Arkansas. There are several man made lakes near Hot Springs and we
camped at one of them. This is a sunrise over Lake Ouchita.
A tak wygladal nasz namiot.
| Here is our "home away from home" that we had to set up in the dark. Greg shined the
car headlights for us to see by, but it was still an experience!
Jak juz zwleklismy sie ze spiworow, trzeba bylo zabrac sie za zwiedzanie.
Imponujaca budowla na zdjeciu to jeden za szpitali.
| Here is an Army/Navy Hospital. It used to be a hospital where they used the waters
for treatment. I can only assume that they have since moved into the modern medical world.
A ta rzezba znajduje przedstawia Fernando de Soto, ktory jako pierwszy
z bladych twarzy znalazl sie tutaj. Sama rzezba znajduje sie w jednej z lazni.
Jest ich tu troche, czesc z nich ciagle czynnych, czesc to teraz muzea.
Woda z goracych zrodel ma temperature 57C. Naprawde ciepla.
Zafundowalismy sobie kapiele oraz masaze.
| In downtown Hot Springs is "Bath House Row", a row of several old bath houses. One of these, the
Fordyce, has been restored into a visitor's center and they allow you to take tours. In the
men's bathing room there is a lovely statue of Fernando de Soto being offered a cup of water
from a beautiful Indian maiden. Typical male point of view! :-)
A to inna atrakcja wycieczki - Kaczka, przejazdzka amfibia z demobilu.
Nasza kaczka byla zbudowana w 1945 roku, a mimo to ciagle sobie zwawo radzila,
zarowno na ladzie jak i na wodzie.
| A common tourist attraction in Hot Springs is to take a tour on a Duck - a military
land/water vehicle. Here we are in a Duck, entering Lake Hamilton. SPLASH!
Na jeziorze Hamilton mozna spotakc naprawde mile domki
(widoki sa z pokladu kaczki oczywiscie).
| While on Lake Hamilton, I spotted several nice houses. Check out the garage on the
brown one.
A to widok z wiezy obserwacyjnej na okoliczne gory.
| This is a view from the Observation tower on the top of Hot Springs Mountain.
Sama wieza. Ma 216 stop i na dodatek jest na czubku gory.
| And this is the observation tower. It stands 216 feet tall, on the top of the mountain.