Grzes na wygnaniu

Styczen '98 / January '98

Zaraz na poczatku roku zachcialo sie nam koni At the very beginning of the year we decided finally to have a ride
Pierwszy raz jezdzilem na koniu na zachodnia modle. It was the first time I was sitting in the Western saddle
A ponizej kilka zdjec z Clanthi ( Solar). Na pierwszym stoje na ganku Gildii Uzdrowicieli z mila Druidka. Some pictures from Clanthia (Solar). On the first I'm standing on the front porch of the Healers Guild with a nice Druid
W barwach Sudbyr-u People in Sudbyr's colors.
Drae (Ciemny Elf) oraz Frederick, Mistrz Gildi Uzdrowicieli. Drae (Dark Elf) and Frederick, Master of Healers Guild.
Sir Garret, Dowodzacy Rycerzami D'Eit w Clanthii Sir Garret, Knight-Commander of Calnthian Knights D'Eit
Lesna elfka (zerknijcie na rogi) z zabawkami. Wood elf (have a look at the horns) with her toys.