| Zdjecia/Pictures | |
Jest takie mile miejsce, kawiarenka, gdzie mozna sobie posiedziec
i pobawic sie w garncarza.
| Here I am at the Painted Biscuit, a pottery painting place. It is a lot of fun,
you pick out a piece of pottery and then paint it any way you want. You leave it there
and they will glaze and fire it for you. I was making a bud vase.
Nastepnie zrobione rzeczy maluje sie i zostawia do wypalenia.
Cala banda zapalencow wybrala sie sprobowac - z roznymi rezultatami.
| Carrie was having a lot of fun with her pottery. She painted a cookie jar for her
classroom with lots of warning messages on it!
Grzes kolo napoleonowki - Gora Kennesaw. Tutaj wojska konfederatow bronily sie przed Shermanem.
| Here is Greg on Kennesaw Mountain posing next to some sort of cannon. You can
tell I was taking the picture because it didn't turn out so well! |
Najbardziej zaawansowane technologicznie dzialo z tamtego okresu w akcji.
| While we were visiting the mountain they were doing cannon demonstrations. I
found out that they wear the Confederate uniforms until July 1 and then switch to
Union uniforms. They time it like that because the mountain was under Confederate control
until July, and then the Union Army took over the mountain.
Jego obsluga to 6 osob, ktore, jesli sie szybko uwina sa w stanie oddac
jeden strzal na dwie minuty.
W akcji widzimy grupe zapalencow (przeciez widac dym, no nie?), ktorzy bawia
sie takimi zabawkami przez caly rok w roznych miejscach.
| The smoke from the cannon was huge and so was the sound. They were only shooting
dummy cannons at half the power that would have been used in a war. Incredible!