| Zdjecia/Pictures | |
No tak, czerwiec to rzeczywiscie miesiac zabawowy.
Zaskoczono mnie okrutnie impreza urodzinowa, ktora miala miejsce na naszym basenie.
| June seemed to be a month for entertaining. We had a lovely surprise party for Greg's 26th
birthday. Greg seemed to be a bit overwhelmed?!? :-)
A tutaj ucieszone michy gosci.
| Here are some of the happy guests!
A te buzki zostaly ustrzelone z najnowszego prezentu - od Heather
dostalem teleobiektyw do mojego Canona. To wlasnie jego chrzest.
| These were taken after Greg opened his presents. One of his new toys was a telephoto
lens, with which he started zooming in on the faces of all the guests!
Jak basen to basen. Niektorzy (jak ci na zdjeciach) sami weszli do wody.
Niektorym troche pomoglismy :-)
| Some of the guests seemed to end up all wet! Here are a couple of the "willing" swimmers.
There were others that weren't so willing that night...
Od polskiej bandy dostalem sliczna gitare.
| Another of Greg's presents was a beautiful acoustic guitar.
| Zdjecia/Pictures | |
A to Marek z Ludmila, moi znajomi zaproszeni na obiad pewnego czerwcowego
| On a different entertaining occasion, we had a Polish couple that Greg knows, over to dinner.
Here you meet Marek and Ludmila.
Po obiedzie troche zabawy z psem dywanowym.
| After dinner there was time for playing with Tasha.
Zblizenie - tutaj Wrzos testowal teleobiektyw.
| And here are just some miscellaneous pictures...
Starting with Tasha - Up close and personal!!!
Sobotnie przyjecie Wrzosa (Grzes balowal wtedy na Solarz-e).
| And here are some "pool shots" of Ileya and her cousin Matthew. These children belong
to a friend of Heather's from Emory.
Czerwcowe postepy prac na HMS Ajax
| Finally, here is an updated shot of Greg's boat. He has been making great progress.
Unfortunately, the latest test run still included a bit too much water!