Kolory Wiosny / Colors of Spring

Marzec '98 / March '98

W piekny niedzielny poranek silna grupa pod wezwaniem poczula zew krwi, zapakowala rowery do bagaznika i odwiedzila Calloway Gardens. Mialo to rowaniez sluzyc jako poligon doswiadczalny dla nowego Grzesiowego aparatu fotograficznego One beautiful Sunday morning, we packed ourselves and our bikes into the car for a lovely drive to Calloway Gardens. In addition to this being a great day for a bike ride, it was also the perfect time to test Greg's new camera, a Canon EOS Rebel.
No wiec (nie zaczyna sie zdania od wiec) ogrodki pani i pana Calloway'a skladaja sie m.in z azalii There were plenty of Azaleas to practice taking photos of. Oh, excuse me, I forgot. We weren't taking pictures - we were "composing". ;-)
Inne azalie. More examples of Azalea compositions.
Bratki wystepuja rowniez w ilosciach co najmniej hurtowych. And here are some familiar faces.
Albo w jeszcze innych odcieniach. The yellow and purple ones were my favorites - although the yellow are nice too.
Na bialym kwiatku siada bialy motylek Well, they are both white and both at of them are in abundance at Calloway Gardens, but unfortunately the one on the right was a bit more difficult to capture on film.
Mozna tez spotkac inne przerozne fruwacze. Here are some more of the beauties found in the Butterfly Center.
Jeszcze inne skrzydlaki. At least the bird didn't try to "hitchhike" out of the building. He was more interested in preening himself.
Jeden z moich ulubionych kolorow Just another of the many colors of spring.
Teraz trzeba sie ladnie usmiechnac, bo to test samowyzwalacza This is really just a test of the timing feature. We really aren't that impressed with the muscadine vines over our heads.
A co powiecie na rajskie jabluszka (Na razie tylko kwiatki, ale wygladaja obiecujaco) Gosh, I don't remember the crabapple trees in Ohio being quite this beautiful!

A to juz z calkiem innej beczki, freti w nowej klatce i w nowym domu. Buster and Malina in their new cage and new home.