| Zdjecia/Pictures | |
W piekny niedzielny poranek silna grupa pod wezwaniem poczula zew krwi,
zapakowala rowery do bagaznika i odwiedzila Calloway Gardens.
Mialo to rowaniez sluzyc jako poligon doswiadczalny dla nowego Grzesiowego
aparatu fotograficznego |
| One beautiful Sunday morning, we packed ourselves and our bikes into the car for a lovely drive to
Calloway Gardens. In addition to this being a great day for a bike ride, it was also the perfect
time to test Greg's new camera, a Canon EOS Rebel. |
No wiec (nie zaczyna sie zdania od wiec) ogrodki pani i pana Calloway'a
skladaja sie m.in z azalii
| There were plenty of Azaleas to practice taking photos of. Oh, excuse me, I forgot.
We weren't taking pictures - we were "composing". ;-) |
Inne azalie.
| More examples of Azalea compositions. |
Bratki wystepuja rowniez w ilosciach co najmniej hurtowych.
| And here are some familiar faces. |
Albo w jeszcze innych odcieniach.
| The yellow and purple ones were my favorites - although the yellow are nice too. |
Na bialym kwiatku siada bialy motylek
| Well, they are both white and both at of them are in abundance at Calloway Gardens,
but unfortunately the one on the right was a bit more difficult to capture on film. |
Mozna tez spotkac inne przerozne fruwacze.
| Here are some more of the beauties found in the Butterfly Center. |
Jeszcze inne skrzydlaki.
| At least the bird didn't try to "hitchhike" out of the building. He was more
interested in preening himself. |
Jeden z moich ulubionych kolorow
| Just another of the many colors of spring. |
Teraz trzeba sie ladnie usmiechnac, bo to test samowyzwalacza
| This is really just a test of the timing feature. We really aren't that
impressed with the muscadine vines over our heads. |
A co powiecie na rajskie jabluszka (Na razie tylko kwiatki,
ale wygladaja obiecujaco)
| Gosh, I don't remember the crabapple trees in Ohio being quite this beautiful! |