Jesien '98 / Fall '98

Jesien, jak to jesien. Zerknijcie na moja sasiadke. Here is a *large* mantis that Greg found near our mailboxes.
W pazdzierniku wielka wyprawa raftingowa. Zimno jak skurczybyk, trzeba miec na sobie pianki, coby nie zamarznac. Niestety nie mamy zdjec z samego raftingu. to sa zdjecia z naszego biwakowania. One very cold weekend in October, we decided to go white water rafting in WV. Here we are trying to keep warm by the fire the night before rafting.
A tu kacik czytelnika Here, Carrie and Jeff are trying to hide from the camera. Too bad for them!
Poniewaz zbliza sie Halloween, trzeba udekorowac nasze wejscie And then of course I felt the need to decorate. I was desparately trying to win the balcony of the month contest at Post. Isn't the scarecrow cute?!
A to Dorotka z Czarnoksieznika z krainy Oz. Kostium uszyty przez Wrzosa dla siostry (na obrazku). For Halloween, I made Carrie a Dorothy costume. I got to be the wicked witch. The green paint was a huge hit.
Niekonwencjonalna reklama jednej z kawiarnii (JOE MUGGS) Greg was startled one afternoon by seeing his first skywriter. A new coffee shop opened, and was advertising in the sky.
A takiego zwierza mozna spotkac w lesie. I have no idea where Greg took this picture. I just hope it wasn't in our apartment!
A to trzy zdjecia z kolejnej wizyty w posiadlosci Biltmore. Tym razem wybralismy sie tam po swiecie Dziekczynienia. Tlumy byly dosc duze, ale bylo milo. The Saturday after Thanksgiving, we took my parents and Carrie to Biltmore Estates. It was a huge mistake. There were literally thousands of people milling about. Here I am trying to remain cheerful after standing in line for 2 hours!
A to tez mieszkaniec Biltmore This is one of a series of water fountains at Biltmore.
A takie cosik sie pojawilo, jak rozdawali komputery Here you can see the newest addition to our apartment. Melita passed out old computers and Greg brought one home. The next thing I know, he has plans to string network cable down the hallways. Yikes!

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