Puerto Rico Feb '99

??? On our last day in Puerto Rico, Greg and I made a break away from the rest of the Melita group to explore old San Juan on our own. Here are some views of the Dominican Convent and Church - the oldest in San Juan.
??? A side view of the church, and the Cathedral in San Juan.
??? Here is the first Fort we went to, Fort San Christobal. We arrived there in the early morning of their 50th anniversary of being a National Park.
??? Greg at Fort Christobal posing with some ammunition! I of course am not interested in that! Behind us you can see the Bay with the cruise ships lining the sides.
??? Here is the second fort we visited, Fort San Felipe del Morro. It was a LONG walk to this fort on the tip of the bay. Inside, there were many cannons for Greg to visit! Here he is in a window that would have been used to shoot from.
??? Here is a view of the lower level on the fort. You can see the tracks the cannons would be swung around on, as well as how close to the water the fort was built.
??? Here I am posing inside a watch tower and then next to some of the LARGE walls the fort was made of. Some of the walls were over 18 feet thick!
??? Built on top of the del Morro Fort, was a brand new lighthouse. Kind of stands out doesn't it? The lens is original from the early 1800's.
??? Near del Morro was a hospital.
??? Also near del Morro was a park commemorating the 500th anniversay of Puerto Rico being founded.
??? A small street in Old San Juan. Look at how narrow!

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