| Zdjecia/Pictures | |
Key West to najbardziej wysunieta na poludnie kontynentalna czesc Stanow Zjednoczonych.
Jesli chodzi o atmosfere to cos jak panstwo w panstwie.
Nasza podroz rozpoczela sie przelotem do Fort Lauderdale, gdzie spalismy w Hiltonie.
To begin our trip to Key West, we first flew to Fort Lauderdale and stayed overnight there. This is
our Hilton hotel... |
Poniewaz postanowilismy spedzic czas jak prawdziwi burzuje, wiec oto troche luksusu.
Sympatyczny, czerwony kabriolet.
| The next morning (after some difficulties with the rental agency) we picked up our convertible.
From here we began the drive down U.S. 1 to Key Largo. |
Wydawalo sie nam, ze w samochodzie wygladamy k00l.
Wydawalo sie nam :-)
| As you can see, we both thought we were very cool in the convertible. Too bad we really
don't look very cool!
Gdy jedzie sie na poludnie po drodze US 1, mija sie sliczne mosty.
| The drive down to Key West has several nice bridges along the way.
W koncu dotarlismy do Key Largo, gdzie po raz pierwszy
mialem radoche na slizgaczach.
| Once we had finally reached Key Largo, we had some fun with these Wave Runners.
Greg had never ridden them before, but since they are very similar to motorcycles, he was
soon quite comfortable on it.
Po poludniu, na pokladzie katamaranu Quick Silver wybralismy sie
poogladac rafe koralowa. Na prawde warto, mnostwo kolorowych ryb.
Jesli tylko macie mozliwosc, wybierzcie sie (niestety nie mamy zdjec spod wody).
| After the Wave Runners, we took a lovely ride out to a coral reef and snorkled for a while.
The return ride from the reef was supposed to be all sailing - but they cheated with the engines a bit!
This is Ada, Mirek and myself, enjoying the breeze on the way back to shore.
Nastepnego dnia dotarlismy do samego konca - Key West, na zdjeciach widok
z latarni morskiej oraz dowod, ze naprawde bylismy na koncu.
| The next day we drove down the rest of the Keys and ended up in Key West. We spent the day
wandering around, visiting famous bars and swimming. Here is a view from a lighthouse, and
me (Heather) near the edge of the U.S.!!!