Zima na Jukatanie - 12/99

W te Swieta Bozego Narodzenia postanowilismy sobie utrudnic zycie. Poniewaz wybieralismy sie do Meksyku, pojechalismy najpierw 700 mil na polnoc, zeby bylo dalej.

Oto nowy Wrzosowy samochod w snieznej scenierii Ohio My beautiful new car covered in yucky Ohio snow!
A to juz w Meksyku, miejscowosc wypoczynkowa na Jukatanie nazywa sie Cancun Christmas day we flew to Cancun. I was still weak from coughing so much, so I'm resting by the pool while Greg checks us into our hotel.
A to juz Chichen-itza, jedno z najwiekszych miast Majow. Na tym akurat zdjeciu el Castillo, najwyzsza piramida The next day we went to visit Chichen-Itza. Here is the largest pyramid there.
Sciana czaszek, nawet moja sie tam znajazla Greg thought this was cool. Look at all the skull heads carved into the wall behind him.
Obserwatorium. Majowie znali sie na astronomii zdecydowanie lepiej niz ja. This is the observatory. The mayans had used the stars and a HUGE knowledge of math to calculate out the calendar, days of eclipse, etc.
Ruiny sa na prawde sliczne. Cale miasto ma powierzchnie 16 km kwadratowych. Some more ruins. Notice the building style. They would use small rocks and mortar them together, rather than try to carry and build with large stones. They would then cover the small rocks with flat rocks - giving the appearance of a large stone.
Zachowala sie jeszcze duza czesc plaskorzezb, ale zdecydowanie wyglada to gorzej niz w bardziej suchych okolicach Here are some more interesting carvings...
Nie jest to chata wuja Toma, ale tak wlasnie powinna wygladac. This is a replica small hut that the Mayans who lived near would have lived in.
Kolumnada. Kiedys (500 lat temu) byla przykryta dachem z lisci palmowych. A row of columns - still so straight!
Oczywiscie wspielismy sie na duza piramide. Uwaga - jest nawet stromo Yes, we climbed the pyramid! As you can see, I was being VERY careful about climbing back down.
Najwieksze boisko do koszykowki w Ameryce. Jeden maly problem - jesli wygrales, to traciles zycie. Ok, this is the first basketball hoop. Unfortunately, you played for your life and it was a stone ball!
Piramida wojownikow. More ruins, and a cool snake head.
Boczna sciana piramidy wojownikow This is the side wall of the warrior's pyramid.
Ta to nawet ja nie pamietam do czego sluzyla. Yet another ruin. We really should write these pages RIGHT after our vacations, because I've already forgotten what this is called!

A to wyprawa juz w inne miejsce - Tulum. Miasteczko mniejsze, za to polozone dokladnie nad oceanem. We took another trip, this time to Tulum. This is an ancient site on the coast, south of Cancun.
Dom duchow Here is the spirit house.
Jeden z czterech glownych bogow Majow. If you look closely here, you can make out a face shaped from the corner of this building.
Oltarz ksiazyca This is the altar of the moon
Wrzosowi sie podobalo znacznie bardziej od poprzedniego miejsca, ze wzgledu na ocean. This is as close as I got to the beach our entire trip. It was beautiful though...
Kilkanascie kilometrow od Tulum lezy Xel-Ha, park wodny. Niestety woda tam nie jest bardzo przezroczysta ze wzgledu na skaly wapienne. Sloneczko nam tez nie bardzo dopisywalo After touring Tulum all morning, we went to Xel-ha, a water park near by. There, Greg did some snorkeling. It was a little cloudy because it is salt and fresh water.
Inne rybki More snorkeling shots...
Biedny Wrzos mial grype, wiec tylko ja plywalem w wodzie At Xel-Ha, we had an "all-inclusive" day. So here I am eating and drinking the afternoon away. I had to do something to make myself feel better about being sick my entire Mexico trip!

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