- Nesting instinct continues, July 2004
- Beginnings of nesting instinct, June 2004
- Up the Nile, April 2004
- Around Krakow, March 2004
- Hail Britannia!, New Year 2004
- Auntie Agnieszka is getting married in Chicago, November 2003
- The land of Kangaroos, October 2003
- The country of 300 islands - Fiji, September 2003
- not finished small hike, visit at out-laws, sailing on Lake Erie, painting stairwell
- not finished Ada's Baby Blues, Party at Mooses, Sailing
- not finished It was about time, May 3rd 2003
- not finished New Year - AD 2003, Italy & Poland
- Biggest Falls in the World - Niagara, July 2002
- Sailing Key West to Dry Tortugas, May 2002
- not finished Pawel and Gabi visiting across The Pond, April 2002
- not finished Few other pictures AD 2001
- A weekend in skyscraper city, November 2001
- not finished Fall colors of New England
- Mount Rainier and Seattle, July 2001
- Visiting Japan, May 2001
- not finished Sailing in St. Augustine, Florida, March 2001
- Update in the garden, March 2001
- Wedding of Mary and Rob, Fabruary 2001
- not finished Sailing Latitude, Christmas 2000
- not finished Skiing in Zermatt, Switzerland, December 2000
- Las Vegas, Thanksgivings 2000
- Chile, November 2000
- Bermudy / Bermuda, September 2000
- Hawaje/ Hawai`i Island, May 2000
- Zima na Jukatanie/ Cancun in December 1999
- Gory Skaliste / Rocky Mountains - OOPSLA'99
- Krotka wizyta w Nowym Orleanie - A quickie in New Orleans 8/99
- Kalifornia Lipiec '99 / California, July '99 , czesc druga / California part two
- Niech sie mury pna do gory, a kominy maja pion / New House
- Puerto Rico '99 - El Yunque, Snorkeling, Old San Juan
- Wroclaw i Wieliczka '98/ Wroclaw and Wieliczka '98
- Grudzien '98 / December '98
- Boze Narodzenie '98 / Christmas '98
- Jesien '98 / Fall '98
- Sierpien '98 / August '98
- Lipiec '98 / July '98
- Chata Wuja Jima - ciagle Czerwiec '98 / Uncle Jim's Cabin - June '98
- Czerwiec '98 / June '98
- Jeszcze bardziej na poludnie, czyli Key West
- Kwiecien, plecien oraz maj / April & May '98 / Colors of Spring '98
- Kolory wiosny '98 / Colors of Spring '98
- Luty '98 / February '98
- Styczen '98 / January '98
- Boze Narodzenie '97 / X-mas '97
- Grudzien '97 / December '97
- Listopad '97 / November '97
- Pazdziernik '97 / October '97
- Wyprawa do Charleston / A trip to Charleston
- Wrzesien '97 / September '97
- Sierpien '97 / August '97
- Lipiec '97 / July '97
Below you can see how far I'm towards my goal to see all states